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Thursday, August 18, 2011

you just cant compare an apple to an orange!

Lately I have felt so overwhelmed and stressed . I feel like I just don't make the cut anymore. Okay, so the truth is I've just been feeling so old and overlooked!  I remember the day when a guy would walk past me and 90% of the time if I  looked back as  he passed he would probably still be looking! Sadly I think those days have passed. I know what your thinking, " so what, your married with 4 out of control  beautiful children". Yeah well that doesn't mean that just because I'm a mom that I don't like to feel attractive, It's just that i keep getting older and it seems like these teenage girls keep getting hotter. So just visualize with me for a minute... I'm in  Super Target ( that's right SUPER target be jealous, I'm high class) in the produce  frozen foods section and this cute guys walks over and asks," Are you finding everything OK?" and i  couldn't help but to respond by saying, " why yes.... you have just completed my list of things to do before i die." okay so i didn't ACTUALLY say that, but i did begin to reply telling him i actually could not find what i need when Miss too HOT for super walmart walked up and interrupted because she needed help also. GO FIGURE! so he says "hold that thought let me help this young lady and I'll be right back to help you." WHAT!! i was first... but she was hot so i got dump, i had to find my own frozen waffles... what kinda service is that?

     On top of that I found myself wondering all the time if my husband still finds me attractive. I mean come on he has had to look at me for while now and things have changed A LOT since we  first met. Sometimes i feel like I'm the favorite t-shirt. You don't want to get rid of it because, hey it's just so darn comfy, but you're to embarrassed to wear it in public. Or maybe you're first car. You were so happy when you got it, but soon realized you weren't sure when it would embarrass you in public because it wouldn't start and you prayed the hot guy in your chemistry class didn't see all the dents on its back side. I've traded my belly shirts for stretch marks and my size 2's for 10's. To be honest some days i wear my gym clothes all day long.... but i haven't been to the gym since may.

   I try to tell myself  I'm gonna dress up tomorrow and go back to that frozen food section and wow that little boy that dissed me, but it's not happening. I don't have the energy or stamina to suck my stomach in for that for now i guess i have to be okay being my husbands favorite shirt.. he treats me well and i know he'll never throw me out. :)  Honestly... he said  he still thinks I'm just as beautiful as the night we met (and then he tried to give me this awkward back rub.. which i declined) and promised not to trade me in for a younger edition. I just guessing I'm having a hard time adjusting to my older self, but trust me i wouldn't go back to when i was 18yrs old unless God told me that when i returned back to my current life i could bring that teenage body back with me.

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